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What if people could hear your thoughts?

Writer's picture: ValVal

About them sure, but about you too.

What are you constantly thinking about? Telling yourself?

In what frequency do you keep your thoughts? Your mind? Do you even notice what you're thinking about all the damn time?

Everything is energy. Your thoughts are energy, your emotions are energy.

  1. The mind receives an input (something happens); your mind 'thinks' by generating thoughts

  2. As a reaction to these thoughts, your body 'feels' by generating emotions (energy in motion).

  3. A cycle is created. The mind thinks- creating thoughts to which the body reacts in the way of emotions- energetic reactions that feed thoughts. Emotions are amplified by thoughts that are amplified by emotions.

A very basic example is you feeling sad (body) so you listen to sad music and think sad things (mind) which makes you feel even more sad (body) and feeling more sad makes you think sadder things (mind) and boom you're now engaged in a cycle of sadness where your thoughts (mind) and emotions (body) are feeding off and amplifying each other.

For what?

Don't get me wrong of course you have to feel first to heal always, but that is not my point.

My point is bigger- what are you allowing yourself to think/feel every day?

What thought/feeling cycles are you stuck on?

have been stuck on for years....?

Do you even know?

First step- be conscious of your thought/feeling cycles

After you realize every damn day you're engaging in the same 3 thought/feeling cycles, feeling and thinking the same 3 things, you realize the illusion... their unnecessary purpose in your life other than being addicted to the past/future.

Second step- notice how your thought/feeling cycles are always about something in the past or something in the future.

Listen carefully and please notice what these thought/feeling cycles are about... I can bet they are always about the same three things that you are not gonna stop thinking about over and over again until you acknowledge you are thinking about them.

Most significantly, notice that these thought/feeling cycles are ALWAYS about something that already happened (past):

you remembering a party interaction from last weekend,

or how your dad left,

or how great you had it back then.

Interestingly, these thought/feeling cycles always paint a more 'positive' or 'negative' picture than the present moment. You become addicted to feeling nostalgia and thinking about something that already passed and it's 103837 scenarios that will absolutely not happen as you have no way of going back to the past.

Likewise, notice these thought/feeling cycles are ALWAYS about something that hasn't happened (future):

you thinking about your possible failure in your future work,

or what you would do if someone came back to you or someone left,

or how great it's gonna be in the next couple of years.

Again, these thought/feeling cycles always paint a better or worse future moment than the present moment. You become addicted to feeling anxiety and thinking about something that I can assure you is not going to happen at least not 100% as you think it will, and if it does it will happen regardless and you will deal with that then.

Third step- just by realizing you're thinking, you stop thinking, and you become present.

This is THE key.

Trust me, you have the power to be in control of your own life just by being in control of what you are thinking. Once you realize you are thinking, you stop thinking, try it out.

Once you stop thinking, you become present as the mind can only exist in the past and in the future, feeding you thought/feeling cycles of nostalgia (past) and anxiety (future). Your mind cannot exist in the present moment and once you realize the power behind this, you start to live how you are supposed to, now.

Now is all there is. The past is gone and the future will come regardless as the now. Now is now- not in 5 minutes, not in 1 hour, not next week, not in a year- now is this moment as you are reading this, now is the only place you will exist till you die. Tomorrow (future) will be lived as now for you tomorrow. I hope you understand this or read it again. Most importantly, I wish for you to feel it in your body.

The key lies in realizing your power to actually live now by realizing you're able to control what you think and eventually, feel.

Last step- know that thoughts can make things feel very real (sometimes with no reason)

Random example:

When you're taking a shower and for a split second your mind thinks "There could be a killer behind me" and your body actually feels scared, you get tight as if someone was observing you to kill you, and then think more "No one will find me" so you feel more scared, tighter, until you become conscious of your irrational thinking and realize how baseless it is, and so you tell yourself wtf... hahaha and move on with your life. Btw, you just 'wasted' time thinking and feeling something so soo unnecessary but whatever, who's counting. Anyway, my point is- thoughts can make you feel things that are not even real.

Notice the illusionary nature behind your thoughts and your feelings. That scenario is and could be any possible emotion if you wanted to. For example, feeling nervous or happy or anxious (you are not your mind or your body). Treat emotions as passengers, let them pass by. You can control what you think by simply realizing you are thinking. Try it out.

What are you allowing your mind to think and your body to feel?

If you are thinking all the time... are you simply existing or living?

Take a moment to notice... are you kind to others? to yourself?

What if other people could hear your thoughts? Would you be proud?


The Power of Now | Amazon | Audible

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself | Amazon | Audible

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